电影 也许明天 第2集


SamanthaLee JasmineCurtisLouisedelosReyes 电影 菲律宾 2016 查看整部剧情
艾莉克丝任职于节目制作公司,希望自己的企划案会被采用。她的青梅竹马闺密洁丝是一名演员,她们因工作聚少离多,却不曾中断每天联络Alex, is a twenty-something year old creative based in Manila. She is out to most people except her best friend- Jess who she has been secretly in love with since they were kids. When Jess discovers the truth about Alex, they are forced to confront the feelings they have for each other. “只是因为这边大家都喜欢点猪肉吃,不代表我也必须喜欢吃,我喜欢我的那块烟熏牛肉。”“人们总是在失去,也总想得到更多。”Alex是怎么做到又美又酷又可爱的?ps:对于姬崽来说黄金法则第一条并不是不要打分手炮,而是不要爱上直女。