电影 寻根问祖 第0集


AgustinCastaneda PaulinaGaitanLiaMarieJohnsonHéctorJiménezDavidCastroWilliamMillerPaulRodriguezIlzaPonko 电影 墨西哥 2019 查看整部剧情
在他的初恋让他心碎之后,一位年轻的美国歌手不情愿地离开他在加州圣地亚哥的家,和他的叔叔一起在巴哈进行了一次史诗般的公路旅行,以便与他的墨西哥血统重新联系起来,找到自己。After his first love breaks his heart, a young American singer reluctantly leaves his home in San Diego, California and embarks on an epic road trip through Baja with his uncle in order to reconnect with his Mexican roots and find himself.