电影 辛巴达与牛头怪 第0集


KarlZwicky 马努·贝内特斯蒂文·吉拉维斯霍莉布里斯利JaredRobinsen 电影 澳大利亚 2010 查看整部剧情
辛巴达(Sinbad)从邪恶巫师吉巴尔(Al-Jibar)的营地中盗走了米诺斯国王编年史,地点是罗德巨像的金头。他还保存了奴隶塔拉,并将其带到船上。辛巴达(Sinbad)和塔拉(Tara)及其船员一起航行到米诺斯岛(Minos),他们遇到了一个米诺斯血统村庄。他们得知宝藏在牛头怪的迷宫中守卫着,辛巴达摆脱了野兽。当他们庆祝时,Al-Jibar和食肉的Seif和他的军队一起到达村庄,并要求他给他画卷。村民们突然变成野兽,攻击外人。谁将生存? Sinbad, armed with rumors of ancient gold, finds himself sneaking into the desert camp of the evil sorcerer Al-Jibar. Hidden among the many relics is an ivory scroll case containing the logs of the pirate Captain Minos, which will lead Sinbad to the golden head of the Colossus of Rhodes.