电影 蝎子王3:救赎之 第0集


RoelReiné 维克多·韦伯斯特朗·普尔曼比利·赞恩 电影 美国 2012 查看整部剧情
本片是《蝎子王2:勇士的崛起》的续集。环球投资,泰国制造的电视影,DVD已于2011年发行上市。 影片一开始,莫萨尤斯失去了他心爱的皇后并且被前国王驱赶。现在莫萨尤斯受到了埃及国王荷鲁斯的雇佣保护盟友不受敌人的攻击,而作为回报,国王将会把女儿和拥有神力的徽章赐予莫萨尤斯。莫萨尤斯接受了这危险的任务,并且将要面对危险的敌人。 Mathayus's sorceress-queen is killed by a pest which ravaged his kingdom until it fell. Feeling guilty and a failure, the Akkadian resumed the life of mercenary. He's hired by Horus, king of the now dominant Near eastern kingdom, to help out defend the palace of Hindu king Ramusan, guardian of the Book of the Death, the last ally barring the bid for Hrus's throne by his rogue brother Talus, whose raids in the Far East yielded the largest army ever. Mathuyas is instructed to team up with simpleton Teutonic giant Olaf. Ramusan can't pay them the promised gold, but offers the hand of his daughter Silda, whose portrait shows a priceless medallion. Their fight is complicated by the mysterious Cobra, hired by Talus, who captured the princess, so they pair pretends to enter Talus's service, but finds out about an even more devious deception, while Talus captures the book and thus is able to conjure the warrior ghosts.