电影 小丑特工队 第2集


HermannJoha SvenMartinekDianaFrank沃克马·克莱纳特ThomasAnzenhofer汉斯·齐施勒MarkusKnüfkenKlausStahnke马克·扎克OliverKorittkeUrsulaStaackArnoSteffenCalvinBurkeHeikeHuhmann 电影 德国 1996 查看整部剧情
On his murdered parents grave young Max Zander promised to fight againts the crime. He became WIPA - World Intelligence Police Agency - agent. He returns to Germany to help his friend Joseph Ludowski to fight Russian Maffia and its head Igor Baklanov. He meets his old friends. Unfortunately one of them gets killed in car bomb, ment for Zander. In look for hide-away Max meets Claudia. Young woman was from rich family, but bandits took over her fathers company and Claudia had to start over. The search for justice makes Claudia a good and faithfull friend for Max. The second friend - Dobbs - is nuts for flying and helps Max out more that once. After friends death Max decides to die and live on as fantom - as Clown. Ludowski helps Max out with the "death" thing and will be kind of "employer".