电影 午夜之后 第2集


杰瑞米·加德奈克里斯蒂安·斯黛拉 杰瑞米·加德奈布瑞亚·格兰特亨利·泽布罗夫斯基贾斯汀·本森AshleySongNicolaMasciotraTaylorZaudtkeKeithArbuthnot 电影 美国 2019 查看整部剧情
当他长期受苦的女友突然消失,留下一张神秘的字条作为唯一的解释时,汉克舒适的生活和他的理智开始崩溃。然后,从他房子周围的树林里,一些可怕的东西开始试图闯入。 .For small-town bar owner Hank (Jeremy Gardner), his 10-year relationship with Abby (Brea Grant) has been storybook-quality. Abby, however, wants more: marriage, to be exact, which Hank doesn't seem ready to initiate anytime soon. As a result, she leaves him without so much as a note or any subsequent communication. Hank is crushed. Even worse, Abby's departure seemingly triggers the arrival of an unseen monster that claws at Hank's front door at night. As the nocturnal threat intensifies, Hank must figure out how to not only save his relationship, but also himself.