电影 卧底2018 第0集


埃里克·马蒂 安妮·柯蒂斯VictorNeriJorossGamboa诺尼·布埃诺卡米诺NatthachaDeSouzaSonnySisonBrandonVera娜法·希拉里奥-克鲁兹BawriboonChanreuang 电影 菲律宾 2018 查看整部剧情
反毒品特工尼娜·曼尼根(Anne Curtis)在一次因肮脏的警察破坏的毒品袭击中幸免于难之后,她急于与在马尼拉紧紧握住血腥药团的贩毒集团并驾齐驱。 但是,当她在这座城市最危险的贫民窟执行新任务时,愤怒的平民却把她的班子拉开了。 他们被困在一个残酷的贩毒团伙和一群嗜血的公民之间,唯一的选择就是战斗,将一条幽闭恐惧的街道一次变成世界末日暴力的交响曲。 After surviving the slaughter of her entire squad in a drug raid compromised by dirty cops, anti-narcotics special operative Nina Manigan (Anne Curtis), is eager to go head-to-head with the drug cartels that hold a bloody grip on Manila. But when her new mission in the city's most dangerous slum goes south, the angry civilians turn on her squad. Trapped between a brutal drug gang and hordes of bloodthirsty citizens, their only option is to fight their way out, turning one claustrophobic street at a time into a symphony of apocalyptic violence.