电影 我的生存之道 第0集


凯文·麦克唐纳 西尔莎·罗南汤姆·赫兰德安娜·钱斯勒乔治·麦凯克里·约翰逊 电影 英国 2013 查看整部剧情
曼哈顿少女黛西(西尔莎·罗南 Saoirse Ronan 饰)来到乡下,住在婶婶佩恩(安娜·钱斯勒 Anna Chancellor 饰)的家中。在这里,黛西结识了艾德蒙德(乔治·麦凯 George MacKay 饰)和艾萨克(汤姆·赫兰德 Tom Holland 饰)等人,一群年轻人一起度过了一段宁静的日子。 然而,某一日,战争毫无预兆的忽然爆发,伦敦遭到了敌人的轰炸和占领,一片疮痍景象,黛西就这样失去了故乡。婶婶离开了农场,留下黛西等人,电力的中断导致一切都陷入了黑暗和停顿之中,黛西必须使用智慧和勇气保护这一片仅存的家园。在此过程中,朝夕相处使得黛西和男孩们之间产生了别样的情谊,在这片似乎被整个世界抛弃的小小伊甸园中,希望和绝望的故事轮番上演。 (spoilers) A film based on the best selling book of the same name by Meg Rossoff. Fifteen year old Elizabeth, Daisy, as she prefers to be known, is sent by her father and stepmother to live with her cousins Osbert, Isaac, Edmond and Piper, and her Aunt Penn, in England. Over time she comes to appreciate her cousins and strikes up a strong bond with all of them, especially the semi-telepathic, precocious Edmond. Daisy adapts to the English countryside lifestyle and begins to feel at home for the first time in her life, and barely notices the whispers about war that begin to circulate, until Aunt Penn is sent away to aid the Peace Process. With the departure and subsequent disappearance of Aunt Penn, and no adults left to supervise the children, Daisy and Edmond's relationship soon blossoms into something that is a little more than cousinly love. However, her new found idyllic life in the country is soon shattered by the advance of the Third World War, and she and Piper are sent away from Edmond, Isaac and Osbert. Surrounded by enemies during the futuristic "occupation", Daisy must find a way to reunite the family through all the bloodshed before their lives are ruined by the separation and the horrors of the war. When she finally returns home with Piper, after witnessing horrifying events, she finds a broken Edmond, also returned home. She tries to nurse Edmond back to health, and that is how she lives now.