电影 温德米尔儿童 第2集


迈克尔·塞缪尔斯 伊恩·格雷萝玛拉·嘉瑞托马斯·克莱舒曼蒂姆·麦克纳尼菲利普·克里斯托弗KubaSprenger安娜·舒马赫马塞尔·萨巴特B.J.HoggTaraCushPascalFischerKonstantinFrankJakubJankiewiczKacperSwietekTomaszStudzinski 电影 英国 2020 查看整部剧情
第二次世界大战后在英国被安置和重建的大屠杀儿童的悲惨故事,并最终使人得以肯定。它始于新大陆的不确定性和恐惧,但最终导致了所有人都珍惜的希望和善意以及终生的友谊和幸福。 This is the stark, moving ultimately redemptive story of the bonds these children make with one another, and of how the friendships forged at Windermere become a lifeline to a fruitful future. The harrowing and ultimately life-affirming story of Holocaust children who were relocated and rehabilitated in the UK after World War II. It began with uncertainty and fear in the new land, however it eventually led to the triumph of hope and goodwill and life-long friendship and happiness that they all cherish. When the German concentration camps were liberated at the end of World War II, children of the Holocaust were rehabilitated to other countries. Many of those who were ended up in the UK were sent to a camp in Windermere in the Lake District. This film is the stark, moving, ultimately redemptive story of the bonds these children make with one another, and of how the friendships forged at Windermere become a lifeline to a fruitful future.