电影 危险方法 第0集


大卫·柯南伯格 凯拉·奈特莉维果·莫腾森迈克尔·法斯宾德文森特·卡索莎拉·加顿安德烈·赫尼克 电影 英国 2011 查看整部剧情
影片《危险方法》(A Dangerous Method)原名《谈疗法》(The Talking Cure),根据英国编剧Christopher Hampton(《赎罪》)的同名舞台剧本改编。 萨宾娜·斯皮勒林(凯拉·奈特莉 Keira Knightley 饰),出身俄罗斯犹太家庭。1904年被送到苏黎世去治疗歇斯底里症,成为了精神病医生荣格(迈克尔·法斯宾德 Michael Fassbender 饰)精神分析患者中的一员。荣格发现她有受虐倾向,是一个性瘾患者,同时又有深深地自责心。而在诊治过程中,他们之间发生了秘密的、不论之爱。但荣格重视自己的声誉,想要隐藏这段感情,声称萨宾娜是一名臆想狂。而这种欺骗的行为也让荣格在理念上与恩师——精神分析学派创始人弗洛伊德(维果·莫特森 Viggo Mortensen 饰)分道扬镳。 In August 1904, Sabina Spielrein (Keira Knightley) arrives at the Burghölzli, the pre-eminent psychiatric hospital in Zurich, Switzerland with a typical case of hysteria and begins a new course of treatment with the young Swiss doctor, Carl Jung (Michael Fassbender). He is using word association and dream interpretation as part of his approach to Sigmund Freud's (Viggo Mortensen) radical new science of psychoanalysis, and finds that Sabina Spielrein's condition was triggered by the humiliation and sexual arousal she felt as a child due to her short-tempered father's habit of spanking her naked. These conflicting feelings were compounded by her instinctive knowledge (imparted by an angel's voice that speaks in German) that she had done nothing to deserve such a punishment and in fact that she may have been a stand-in for her mother in her father's abuse (since her mother was unfaithful). Also, her affluent Russian Jewish family afforded her an exceptional education in preparation for university study, although not on the subject of sex, and she was a virgin. Her intelligence and energy were immediately recognized and encouraged by Jung and Eugen Bleule (André Hennicker), the head of the hospital, and since she plans to study medicine they allow her to assist them in their experiments, including measuring the physical reactions of subjects during word association, to provide empirical data as a scientific basis for psychoanalysis and ameliorate the more sensational aspects of Freud's theories, which contend that all mental illness is rooted in childhood sexual experience, be it real or fantasy. She soon learns that much of this new science is founded on the doctors' observations of themselves, each other, and their families, not just their patients. The doctors correspond at length before they meet, and begin sharing their dreams and analyzing each other, and Freud adopts Jung as his heir and agent. Jung finds in Sabina a kindred spirit with a unique perspective as her self-awareness sharpens, and their attraction deepens in what was already well known at the time as transference. Jung's resistance to the idea of infidelity, and breaking the taboo of sex with a patient, is undercut by the wild and unrepentant confidences of another brilliant, philandering, unstable psychoanalyst who comes under his care, Otto Gross (Vincent Cassel). He decries monogamy in general and suggests that resistance to transference is symptomatic of the repression of normal, healthy sexual impulses, exhorting Jung to indulge himself with abandon. Jung finally begins their affair, which in the film includes rudimentary bondage and spanking Sabina at times. Things become even more tangled as he becomes her advisor to her dissertation; he publishes not only his studies of her as a patient but eventually her treatise as well. Her original ideas are rooted not only in her insights into her childhood trauma, but the intensity and conflicts in their relationship. Spielrein's thesis suggests that truly heroic, original creations can only emerge from the crucible of great conflict, such as the attraction of opposites and the breaking of taboos, and thus the instinct for creation is inextricably tied to a drive to destruction, and that these feelings and ideas are not restricted to sexual expression despite their roots in the biological drive to reproduce. This includes, finally, his refusal to give her a love child, which is the story behind the reference to Wagner's Der Ring des Nibelungen operas: they see themselves in the legend of Siegfried, the archetypal Teutonic hero born from a forbidden union. After his attempt to confine their relationship again to doctor and patient, she appeals to Freud for his professional help, and forces Jung to tell Freud the truth about their relationship, reminding him that she could have publicly damaged him but did not want to.