电影 玩命警车 第2集


乔·沃茨 凯文·贝肯谢伊·惠格姆卡穆琳·曼海姆海斯·威尔弗德凯拉·塞吉维克 电影 美国 2015 查看整部剧情
两个10岁的孩子无意间在郊外发现一部看似被遗弃的警车;结果他们居然异想天开地把车给开去兜风,但除了令人无言、毛骨悚然、自杀式的驾驶技术外,他俩对自己惹上了什么麻烦也浑然不知。 当警车的主人---小镇警长(凯文·贝肯 Kevin Bacon 饰)找上门来要回他失踪的警车时 ,情况更是雪上加霜。两个小鬼头这时才发现他们已陷入一场危险又致命的猫捉老鼠游戏中…… A pair of ten-year-olds find an abandoned cop car in a field. When they take it for a joyride, it seems like they could kill themselves at any moment. But things only get worse when the small town sheriff goes looking for his missing car. The kids find themselves in the center of a deadly game of cat and mouse they don't understand and the only way out is to go as fast as their cop car can take them. In the countryside, the runaway kids Travis and Harrison find a police car in the field in the middle of nowhere and they decide to drive it. A woman sees the boys in the police car on the road. When they stop the car, they find a man tied with rope in the trunk. However, Travis and Harrison release the man that subdue them and prepares a trap for the sheriff. Meanwhile the dirty Sheriff Kretzer finds that his car was taken by the boys and he tries to retrieve it. What will happen to them?