电影 铁血女王 第0集


KemiAdetiba SolaSobowaleRemilekunReminisceSafaruAdesuaEtomi-Wellington 电影 尼日利亚 2018 查看整部剧情
一名有权势的女商人与地下世界的交集威胁到她的政治抱负,随之而来的权力斗争可能让她付出一切代价。 King of Boys follows the story of Alhaja Eniola Salami, a businesswoman and philanthropist with a checkered past and a promising political future. She is a pillar of society -- loved by many, feared by most, and truly known by a select few. As her political ambitions see her outgrowing the underworld connections responsible for her considerable wealth, she's drawn into a power struggle that threatens everything she holds dear. To come out of this on top, she will need every ounce of the cunning, ruthlessness, and strategy that took her to the top, as well as the loyalty of those closest to her. But who can she really trust?