电影 特工绍特 第2集


菲利普·诺伊斯 安吉丽娜·朱莉列维·施瑞博尔切瓦特·埃加福达尼尔·奥勒布里斯基奥古斯特·迪赫丹尼尔·皮尔斯亨特·布洛克安德鲁·布劳尔奥莱克·克鲁帕佐伊·利斯特·琼斯奥莉亚·祖娃 电影 美国 2010 查看整部剧情
结婚纪念日当天,CIA特工伊芙琳·绍特(安吉丽娜·朱莉 Angelina Jolie 饰)受命审讯一名投案自首的俄罗斯间谍。对方声称自80年代便潜入美国,并且透露有一名间谍大师曾训练数名儿童,将他们培养成间谍送入普通的美国家庭中,伺机刺杀美国总统。令在场所有特工震惊的是,这个俄国人竟指认绍特是这群孩子中的一员。 不顾CIA探员们的阻拦,绍特执意返回家中。经过一番惊险追逐,她暂时逃过昔日同伴的追捕。不久,俄罗斯总统访问美国,绍特再次卷入各种阴谋之中,而她的真实身份也变得愈加扑朔迷离…… A Russian calling himself Orlov and claiming to be FSB walks into undercover CIA offices in Washington DC wanting to defect. He says that he has information on a Russian sleeper cell, whose members were trained since they were children. Their mission is to infiltrate the American system by being one of them, ultimately with the goal of bringing down the United States starting on a specified day - code "Day X" - which will begin with the assassination of the current Russian President in New York City at the upcoming funeral of the American Vice-President. The CIA interrogator deems Orlov a crackpot until he names the agent tasked with killing the Russian president: Evelyn Salt. The importance of this last piece of information is that Evelyn Salt is the CIA operative currently in the room with him as his CIA interrogator, her name which he does and should not know in the current context. Darryl Peabody with CIA counter-intelligence, who is monitoring the interrogation, feels he needs to question Evelyn before she leaves the building as a matter of proper protocol. Evelyn, denying all accusations, decides instead to make a run for it, she states all in an effort to save her husband, German arachnologist Mike Krause, who she believes has been targeted as part of the Russian plot against her. Beyond love, her devotion to Mike is largely because he, before knowing of her work as a CIA agent, helped negotiate her release from North Korean captivity two years earlier when she was in special ops in the field, that captivity which included torture. The longer Evelyn is on the run, the more she looks guilty to the American authorities pursuing her. Although helping Peabody and his team try to capture Evelyn, Ted Winter, her CIA colleague, is the only person seemingly who believes she is innocent of the accusations. There may be others in the Russian cell in positions of American authority who may be part of the plot if Orlov's story in the general sense is to be believed, they who may be trying to help or stop Evelyn, depending if she is truly part of the cell.