电影 他们叫我吉克 第2集


加布里尔·梅内提 克劳迪奥·桑塔玛利亚卢卡·马里内利伊莱尼·帕斯托雷利斯特凡诺·安布罗吉毛里齐奥·特塞FrancescoFormichettiDanieleTrombettiJoelSy詹卢卡·迪·热纳罗萨尔瓦托雷·埃斯波西托安东尼娅·特波JuanaJimenezTommasoDiCarloGiampaoloCrescenzioTamkenAbdulaziz尼古拉·瓜利亚诺内阿德里亚诺·吉安尼尼 电影 意大利 2015 查看整部剧情
这是一部非常真实的超级英雄电影,论日系少女如何用大(中)爱(二)唤醒一个超级英雄。情节设计丝毫不亚于好莱坞,不时有意式小幽默。影片十分注重人物的塑造,主人公原来只是小偷,核废料让他意外获得超能力,但他并没有想去拯救世界,只想用这种超能力继续干偷抢的勾当,而女孩才是让他真正成为英雄的存在,节奏十足,意大利风情混搭日系萝莉风,疯狂又真实的片子,感觉看到了人性的善良和丑恶的融合.. The film is a strange and anti-hero transposition of a very popular animated manga cartoon in the 80's called Steel Jeeg. Here, a young outlaw (Enzo) is somehow affected by radioactive waste in the Tiber waters in Rome. He subsequently finds out he has gained super powers and interprets them as a reward for never having managed to enter the criminal world that counts. The inside joke reveals itself when Enzo meets Alessia, who believes the charming hero is the personification of the hero in the cartoon she used to watch.