电影 失恋排行榜 第0集


斯蒂芬·弗雷斯 约翰·库萨克艾本·叶尤托德·路易斯杰克·布莱克凯瑟琳·泽塔-琼斯蒂姆·罗宾斯莉莉·泰勒 电影 英国美国 2000 查看整部剧情
罗伯(约翰·库萨克 John Cusack 饰)是个音乐狂热爱好者,他经营着一家唱片店,店里的两名店员迪克和伯利都是音乐爱好者。一天,罗伯的女友罗拉(艾本·叶尤 Iben Hjejle 饰)跟他提出分手,他甚至搞不清楚原因。为此他做起自己的“失恋排行榜”,回顾一路以来失败的恋爱。他发现自己总是充当被甩的一方,于是他决定重新联系这些前女友,询问她们当初选择分手的原因。 与此同时,罗拉因为要搬出罗伯的住处而与他一直保持着联系。一次,罗伯从罗拉的朋友口中得知,罗拉居然开始和住在自家楼上的伊安(蒂姆·罗宾斯 Tim Robbins 饰)约会。这让罗伯大受打击,他开始不停地打电话骚扰罗拉和伊安,在他们楼下徘徊。终于有一天,转机到了,罗拉告诉罗伯,她父亲去世了…… The film centers on Rob Gordon (John Cusack), a self-confessed music geek whose flair for understanding women is over par for the course. After getting dumped by his current girlfriend, Laura (Iben Hjejle), he decides to look up some of his old flames in an attempt to figure out what he keeps doing wrong in his relationships. He spends his days at his record store, Championship Vinyl, where he holds court over the customers that drift through. Helping Rob in his task of musical elitism are Dick (Todd Louiso) and Barry (Jack Black), the "musical moron twins," as he refers to them. Dick is quiet and reserved, Barry is loud, boisterous and confrontational. Armed with an encyclopedic knowledge of all things musical, they compile "top five" lists for every conceivable occasion, openly mock the ignorance of their customers, and, every so often, sell a few records. Rob and the staff have a strong dislike for two shoplifting skateboarder teenagers, Vince (Chris Rehmann) and Justin (Ben Carr). One day, he listens to a recording that they did (actually "The Inside Game" by Royal Trux) and offers them a record deal, starting his own label called "Top 5 Records". During his off hours, he pines for his lost girlfriend Laura and does his best to win her back. Rob also finds out that Laura has taken up with an older man who lives in her building. Ian (Tim Robbins) is a flighty, hippie type who stops by the store one day to politely ask Rob to stop bothering Laura. Rob imagines three separate scenarios; one where he insults Ian and tells him to leave, another where he lunges for Ian and has to be held back by Barry and Dick and the last where all three beat him viciously, possibly killing him. In the end, Rob lets Ian say his piece and leave unharmed. Rob soon hears that Laura's father, who liked Rob, has died, and attends his funeral with Laura. Shortly after the reception, Rob realizes he never committed to Laura and always had one foot out the door. In the process, he neglected his own future. Afterward, he and Laura move back in together again, and she organizes a celebration of the recently released single by the two delinquents, where Barry's band plays "Let's Get It On" and is delightful (to everyone's surprise). In the final scene, Rob finishes his advice about making the perfect mixtape, and says that he is now making one for Laura. 获奖情况 第54届英国电影学院奖  (2001) 电影奖 最佳改编剧本(提名) 斯科特·罗森伯格 / 斯蒂夫·平克 / D·V·德文森蒂斯 / 约翰·库萨克 第1届美国电影学会奖  (2000) 年度佳片