电影 神偷军团 第3集


马提亚斯·施维赫夫 马提亚斯·施维赫夫娜塔莉·伊曼纽尔露比·欧·菲斯图尔特·马丁古兹·可汗乔纳森·科恩诺米·娜凯特论特·加内特芭芭拉·梅尔吉姆·海伊崔西·奥斯蒙德DanielBradford 电影 德国美国 2021 查看整部剧情
这是扎克·斯奈德的电影《亡者之师》的前传,片中小镇银行出纳迪特尔被一名神秘女子招进一支抢劫团队。团队成员均是被国际刑警组织盯上的头号通缉犯,他们以欧洲各地最难破解的传奇保险箱为目标,这让迪特尔由此踏上了终身难忘的冒险之旅。 After charming audiences as the wisecracking hero Dieter in Zack Snyder's zombie blockbuster Army of the Dead, Matthias Schweighöfer takes centerstage in the film's prequel, which he also directs. Ditching the undead, Army of Thieves puts a modern spin on classic heist films with European flair and an unlikely love story. Produced by Snyder and co-starring Nathalie Emmanuel (the Fast and the Furious franchise), Army of Thieves chronicles the harrowing adventures that transformed Dieter from a sheepish German bank teller named Sebastian into the badass safe-cracker who became a fan-favorite character in Army of the Dead. Sebastian's impassioned YouTube videos about the fabled safes designed by the locksmith Hans Wagner (Christian Steyer) catch the eye of Gwendoline (Nathalie Emmanuel), a beguiling career criminal whose take-no-prisoners exterior belies a desire to love and be loved. To Dieter's shock, Gwen enlists him to be part of her motley crew of some of Interpol's most wanted: the jack-of-all-trades Korina (Ruby O. Fee), rugged bad boy Brad (Stuart Martin), and getaway sidekick Rolph (Guz Khan). As the five misfits zigzag across Europe cracking a trio of impenetrable vaults known as the Ring Cycle - Das Rheingold, the Valkyrie, and the Siegfried - French law-enforcement officials Delacroix (Jonathan Cohen) and Beatrix (Noémie Nakai) are hot on their trail. Anchored by a simmering romance between Dieter and Gwen, Army of Thieves broadens the scope of Snyder's Army Universe while staying true to its vision as its own movie.