电影 伤心小号曲 第3集


阿莱克斯·德·拉·伊格莱西亚 圣地亚哥·塞古拉费尔南多·古林·库弗安东尼奥·德·拉·托雷桑乔·格拉西亚弗兰·佩雷阿卡罗琳娜·邦CarolinaBang乔斯因·本格特伊特雷勒·帕维斯哈维尔·博泰特劳尔·阿雷瓦洛恩里克·维纶格拉西亚·奥拉约CarlosAreces路易斯·巴雷拉 电影 西班牙 2010 查看整部剧情
肥胖忧郁的哈维尔(Carlos Areces 饰)出生于西班牙一个小丑世家,他的父亲死于内战,生前曾嘱咐这个背负了太多痛苦的儿子做一个悲伤小丑。时过境迁,成年后的哈维尔求职来到一家马戏团,遇到了当家小丑赛吉(Antonio de la Torre 饰)以及美艳的杂技女明星纳塔莉娅(Carolina Bang 饰)。他们是一对情侣,生活中的赛吉嗜酒狂暴,经常对纳塔莉娅饱以老拳,后者虽然痛苦不堪,却又无比沉缅于这份变态的暴力之中。哈维尔爱怜这株时常为暴风雨摧残的柔弱小花,而纳塔莉娅也渐渐喜欢上哈维尔的单纯善良。以此为契机,这三个人纠缠出了一段血腥的畸零人生…… 本片荣获2011年歌雅奖最佳发型设计、最佳特效奖;2010年威尼斯国际电影节最佳剧本奖和银狮奖最佳导演奖。 1937, Spain is in the midst of the brutal Spanish Civil War. A "Happy" circus clown is interrupted mid-performance and forcibly recruited by a militia. Still in his costume, he is handed a machete and led into battle against National soldiers, where he single handedly massacres an entire platoon. Fast forward to 1973, the tail end of the Franco regime. Javier, the son of the clown, dreams of following in his father's career footsteps, but has seen too much tragedy in his life-he's simply not funny and is only equipped to play the role of the Sad Clown. He finds work in a circus where he befriends an outlandish cast of characters, but as the Sad Clown he must take the abuse of the brutish Happy Clown Sergio, who humiliates Javier daily in the name of entertainment. It is here that he meets Natalia, a gorgeous acrobat, and abused wife of Sergio. Javier falls deeply in love with Natalia and tries to rescue her from her cruel and violent husband, unleashing Sergio's jealousy. But Natalia is torn between her affection towards Javier and her lust for Sergio.