电影 上帝保佑美国 第2集


博卡·格德斯维特 乔尔·默里塔拉·林内·巴尔梅琳达·佩吉·汉密尔顿麦肯泽·布鲁克·史密斯里奇·麦克唐纳麦蒂·哈森拉里·米勒朵瑞巴顿特拉维斯·韦斯特阿里斯·阿瓦拉多桑德拉·维尔加拉 电影 美国 2011 查看整部剧情
中年男子弗兰克(乔尔·默里 Joel Murray 饰)对聒噪的世界深感麻木,他的生活如同一潭死水,每天浑噩度日。他对自私邻居的侵扰忍辱退让,对前妻再婚和女儿叛逆感到无奈,对不知廉耻的电视真人秀选手反感厌恶。终于被诊断出脑瘤和丢掉工作的现实把弗兰克彻底击垮。正当他想以自杀了结此生时,真人秀里贪得无厌的选秀女孩激发出了他潜藏已久的憎恨,他决定以自己的方式让正义得到伸张。 于是弗兰克出门杀死了他自认为该死的邻家女孩克洛伊,这一幕被另一个女孩洛克西(塔拉·林内·巴尔 Tara Lynne Barr 饰)目睹。洛克西同样厌恶着充斥弊病的社会,她主动参与到弗兰克的杀人计划。两人携带枪支走上大街,大张旗鼓的玩起杀人游戏,成为新闻追踪的焦点…… Divorced Frank Murdoch is dismayed by the state of American culture, where being mean and/or inconsiderate are often valued and rewarded, as shown by the plethora of reality television stars who are given their own highly paid public and celebrated forums to act this way. His own act of what he considers kindness does not result in what he expects. Although he loves his adolescent daughter Ava, she often throws tantrums which are supported by the way Frank's ex-wife treats her. On top of everything, he suffers from insomnia and migraine headaches, which are exacerbated by the actions of his inconsiderate neighbors. When he receives a terminal brain tumor diagnosis which is the probable cause of the headaches and insomnia, he decides to kill one of the people who he feels contributes to this cultural decline, before he takes his own life. But following that murder, he meets high school student Roxy Harmon, a product of an unloving home life, she who convinces Frank to continue his murdering ways with her as his partner. Unlike Frank who wants to remain anonymous while the world knows why these people were murdered, Roxy wants to kill anyone whose beliefs she does not agree with, and wants the notoriety from the killings. The question becomes how long this odd couple can survive together with their slightly divergent reasons for doing what they're doing.