电影 纽约黑帮 第2集


马丁·斯科塞斯 莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥丹尼尔·戴-刘易斯卡梅隆·迪亚兹吉姆·布劳德本特约翰·C·赖利亨利·托马斯连姆·尼森布莱丹·格里森加里·刘易斯斯蒂芬·格拉汉姆埃迪·马森亚历克·马克温戴维·海明斯小拉里·吉拉德卡拉·西摩罗杰·阿什顿-格里菲斯 电影 美国 2002 查看整部剧情
一个多世纪前的纽约,腐败政客用见不得人的龌龊手段争夺着这个城市的官方领导权;而在曼哈顿岛五分区、包里区、天堂广场一带,爱尔兰移民的黑帮组织“死兔党”和“本地党”则明目张胆地以武力争夺着地盘和一切可以占有的东西…… 《纽约黑帮》海报 “死兔党”的老帮主普瑞斯特·维伦(连恩·尼森)被“本地人党”的头儿、“屠夫”比尔·普尔(丹尼尔·戴-刘易斯)干掉,死者年轻的儿子阿姆斯特丹·维伦(莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥)继承了首领的位置。当然,他上任后的第一桩“买卖”就是杀死比尔替父亲报仇。然而,帮派之间历时数年的争斗使得其间的孰是孰非已经纠缠不清,“屠夫”比尔又真的是个冷血凶残、杀人不眨眼的屠夫,这些都让阿姆斯特丹的复仇计划困难重重。 结识女贼珍妮·埃佛迪安(卡梅伦·迪雅兹)似乎让事情出现了转机,她的帮助给了阿姆斯特丹新的希望,而且两人在互相的合作、利用中渐渐坠入了爱河——谁知道这对于复仇之路究竟是福还是祸呢…… The film opens with Priest Vallon (Liam Neeson) shaving dry with an old, rusted straight razor. He deliberately slashes his cheek and then hands the blade to his son Amsterdam, who is about to wipe off the blood. Vallon tells him to leave it there, and his son puts away the blade in a black pouch with a sliver cross clasp. Vallon then says a prayer to St. Michael, puts a medallion over Amsterdam's head, making sure his son knows who St Michael is. Vallon grabs a steel cross, and marches out of his cave with Amsterdam. They walk past people making and finishing weapons, including a woman with clawed gloves named Hellcat Maggie. Vallon, his son, and the rest take communion as they continue exiting the caves. They finally reach the top level of an old brewery. They stop and Vallon asks a man named Monk if he will join them. Monk says he'll fight for pay. Vallon promises him ten dollars for every "new notch" on his club, so Monk agrees, picks up his wooden club, and kicks open the door, revealing a snow-covered intersection known as Paradise Square, the Five Points of Lower Manhattan. Vallon and his crew, the Dead Rabbits, leave the brewery and make their way onto the street. Amsterdam runs to join children on the steps of a nearby building, while the Dead Rabbits await the arrival of the Natives. A few moments later, men dressed in blue, The Natives, led by Bill the Butcher (Daniel Day-Lewis), a ruthless New Yorker with a glass eye, walk onto the street, clearly outnumbering the Rabbits. Bill says that the ensuing fight will decide who holds the rule of the Five Points; Bill's mob who are Protestant or Vallon's Catholics. Vallon recants that it's a free country, that he and his immigrant crowd have been harassed incessantly by Bill and his men. The Rabbits are then joined by several other gangs that have allied themselves with Vallon, greatly increasing their numbers. Moments later, they begin fighting. Monk is mashing people in the head, Maggie is biting a man's ear off, and people's legs are getting broken while others are being stabbed, slashed and bludgeoned. Bill and Vallon slowly make their way toward each other, but as Vallon draws near Bill directs one of his men to attack Vallon. The diversion works, Vallon kills the man, but is stabbed by Bill. Vallon tries to fight back, but is stabbed again in the side. Vallon falls to the ground, and a horn is blown. All of the men stop fighting and stand around the dying Vallon. Amsterdam pushes his way to his father's side. Bill makes a speech about how all the fighting is done and how he has slain Vallon. Vallon looks at his son, tells him to always stay focused and then asks Bill to finish him, which Bill obliges, leaving the knife on Vallon's chest. Bill says that Vallon may not be touched so that he may reach Heaven with honor. Monk tells him to wait, goes over to Vallon's body and presumably takes the money he's owed from his pocket, and then offers Amsterdam his condolences. As they haul Vallon away, Bill's men ask what they should do with the boy. He tells them to put him in a school so he can get a proper education. Amsterdam quickly grabs the knife from his father's chest, threatens Bill's men, and runs inside the brewery. As the men chase him, a boy, Amsterdam's friend Jimmy, hits one of them in the shin, knocking the man from his feet. Amsterdam runs down to his cave, opens a secret compartment in the ground, and places the medallion and dagger inside. Bill's men grab him. Outside, Priest's body is placed on a cart and wheeled reverently out of the square. As we zoom out of the area, we see that the battle took place in Lower Manhattan and the year is 1846.