电影 魔翼杀手5 第2集


JoelSoisson 卡瑞·伍尔李截托尼·托德 电影 美国 2005 查看整部剧情
罗马尼亚的首都发生惨案,接二连三被害人的心脏被挖去,神父的秘密圣经上显露出骇人的未来预言,以致惊吓致死。传说的预言之书,可以确定或者改变未来,成为魔鬼的目标。神秘出现的黑衣约翰,到底是天使还是魔鬼?这一切发生在红色社会主义政权倒台之后的罗马尼亚,和一个小侦探的亲密相关... In this fifth 'Prophecy' film, the movie opens with a brief flashback to the previous film, "The Prophecy: Uprising" as Father Constantine finds the Lexicon - the final book of God's prophecy and its continuing to write itself - in the catacombs of his church. When he keels over from a heart attack, now its up to a grad student, Allison (Kari Wührer) (from the previous Prophecy film), to keep it from the forces of darkness. Cut to the streets of Bucharest, Romania. A young girl named Maria loses her ball into the busy street. Suddenly, Lucifer (John Light) (also from the previous film) appears to her and tells her she should go get it. Almost trancelike, she wanders into the street and as a result is run over by a vehicle. Allison witnesses the whole thing and runs to the little girl's side. The girl tells Allison she has a message for her -- but she cannot give it to her yet. On her way down, Allison brushed into Dylan (Jason Scott Lee) who was standing at the entrance to her apartment building. We next see him sitting in a dark room assembling and loading his gun. A mysterious figure named Stark (Tony Todd) behind him discusses "the job" he was hired to do: kill Allison. Dylan tries to take the noble route and shoots himself in the head rather than take another life. Not to be discouraged, Stark brings Dylan back to life on the spot and tells him that the brief taste of hell he just tasted should convince him to work for Stark. Dylan breaks into Allison's house and holds her at gunpoint, and tells her that he was hired to do a job, but something is telling him that she is different. She was meant to live. He wants to know why she should live. She responds by saying that she has been entrusted with a responsibility, but she will not say what it is. Torn between doing the right thing and doing his job, Dylan kidnaps Allison and takes her with him. Stark breaks into the apartment a short time later; he tears the place apart and finds the Lexicon. Yet, it is only a decoy -- a set of magazine articles bound together in the Lexicon's cover. Dylan takes Allison to his "friend" Gabriella's house to get her a wig, some perfume, and some iron pills. The iron pills change the taste of her blood and the perfume changes her smell. Angels hunt by smell and taste (according to the first The Prophecy film). As they are escaping from a group of angels, Dylan explains the angel hierarchy -- Cherubim and Seraphim are the most dangerous. He then sends her on her way and goes back to fight a hopeless battle to buy her time. The perfume and iron pills do the trick; Allison is able to escape. Stark's drones capture Dylan and bring him before Stark. Stark claims to Dylan that Allison is going to start genocide the likes of which the world has never seen, so Dylan should have killed her when he had the chance. Allison goes to the only "person" she can Lucifer. He explains that the Lexicon is going to name the Antichrist in a matter of hours. The angels in Heaven do not want that kind of information falling into the hands of the wrong people. However, there are laws in Heaven against killing people, hence the hired assassin. Unfortunately, for Heaven, Allison turned their hired gun before he could finish the job. He then tells her that he will not get involved in this one, in spite the fact that he already had. When Allison comes out of his rickety old mansion, there are two angels waiting to take her. She races across the field until she comes upon a funeral procession -- for the young girl Maria, who Lucifer sent to her death in the opening. The angels lose track of her in the crowd. The procession ends at an old church, which is safe ground for Allison. Meanwhile, Stark continues to torture Dylan because he still needs him, especially since Allison trusts Dylan now. Stark tells Dylan to get her out of the church, and they will take care of the rest.