电影 魔女2 第0集


朴勋政 申诗雅李钟硕赵敏修金多美朴恩斌徐恩秀晋久成侑彬 电影 韩国 2022 查看整部剧情
影片讲述了一名少女在某个巨型秘密实验室里醒来,她逃出实验室,偶然遇到努力从犯罪组织那里守护自己的家的庆熙。闯入庆熙家里的犯罪组织和少女冲突后,少女以压倒性的实力打败了他们。这期间,秘密实验室一直在追踪少女,这名神秘的少女到底是谁? A girl wakes up in a gigantic secret laboratory. As the girl escapes from a laboratory, she stumbles upon Kyung Hee, who is trying to protect her house from criminal gangs. When the girl comes face to face with a criminal organization approaching Kyung Hee's house, the girl overpowers them with overwhelming power, and in the meantime, they start chasing her in the secret laboratory. Who is this mysterious girl and why is she being chased?