电影 录取通知 第0集


斯蒂夫·平克 贾斯汀·朗乔纳·希尔布蕾克·莱弗利玛丽亚·泰耶尔汉娜·马克斯哥伦布·绍特 电影 美国 2006 查看整部剧情
高中毕业生巴特比(贾斯汀·朗 Justin Long 饰)被无数大学拒之门外,面对父母的压力,巴特比找了一群和他有同样经历的哥们,租了一栋废弃的两层楼的楼房,自己办起了一所叫“南方哈门工业大学”的学校。这间学校的宗旨就是“谁都能来上大学”。 原本打算只是为了蒙混父母,没想到一下子就有全美就有几百名遭遇一样的高中毕业来报到。其中一个学生的遭遇几乎代表了这里的所有人――当他收到录取通知时,他的父母第一次对他说出了“你是我的骄傲”。巴特比他们只好忙前忙后,聘请教师、逐渐完善教学设施等。 随着学校的名气越来越大,引起了另一所“哈门”大学校长的注意…… Graduating high school senior Bartleby "B" Gaines (Justin Long) finds himself without a college to attend. He has been able to talk and con his way out of every problem he encounters, but he hasn't been able to charm his way pass the college admissions board of eight colleges. His mom and dad are very disappointed that Bartleby hasn't been accepted into college. His parents think that if Bartleby doesn't go to college, he will have no future. Several of Bartleby's friends are in the same situation of being rejected by all the colleges they applied to. To satisfy their parents, Bartleby comes up with an idea to start his own college with an internet site. They convert an abandoned psychiatric facility into the South Harmon Institute of Technology. They will be the only students. However, the web site states that we accept anyone. On the first day of school, they unexpectedly have a large number of accepted students that were also rejected by all colleges. With a million dollars in tuition money, Bartleby must make his fake college into a functioning one. He hires Uncle Ben (Lewis Black) as the College Dean. The fun begins when they design their own curriculum, make their own rules, and party all night. The fun will eventually end when the South Hamon jocks will ruin all the work that B and his friends have accomplished, Douglas Young (the-movie-guy)