电影 伦敦一家人 第2集


罗杰·梅因伍德 卢克·崔德威吉姆·布劳德本特布兰达·布莱斯帕姆·费里斯罗杰·阿拉姆彼得·怀特弗吉尼亚·麦肯娜茱恩·布朗西蒙·戴亚历克斯·乔丹 电影 英国 2016 查看整部剧情
英国手绘动画电影,改编自Raymond Briggs以其父母真实人生为故事所绘的获奖和畅销绘本,讲述Raymond Briggs的父母,一对普通英国夫妇从1928年初遇相爱到1971年相继离世的故事,日子随男主人的发际线一起消逝,一生平淡无奇但相守终生温情动人,同时也是一部英国编年史,期间穿插着不少的历史事件。 In 1928 London milk-man Ernest Briggs courts and marries house-maid Ethel, their son Raymond being born in 1934. When World War II breaks out Ethel tearfully allows him to be evacuated to aunts in Dorset whilst Ernest joins the fire service, shocked by the carnage he sees. As hostilities end they celebrate Raymond's return and entry to grammar school and the birth of the welfare state though Ethel is mistrustful of socialism and progress in general. Raymond himself progresses from National Service to art college and a teaching post, worrying his mother by marrying schizophrenic Jean. However father and son console each other as Ethel slips away but before long Raymond is mourning his father too though both Ethel and Ernest will forever be immortalized by Raymond's touching account of their lives.