电影 鲁邦三世VS猫眼三 第0集


濑下宽之静野孔文 栗田贯一户田惠子大塚明夫深见梨加浪川大辅坂本千夏泽城美雪山寺宏一麦人银河万丈东地宏树菅生隆之理查德·埃帕卡莱克斯·朗迪琳·麦乐迪托尼·奥立佛艾丽辛·帕卡德米歇尔·拉夫克里斯蒂娜·瓦伦苏埃拉 电影 日本 2023 查看整部剧情
Lupin III competes with the Kisugi sisters to steal a triptych of paintings that once belonged to their father, and which hold the key to a long-unsolved mystery. The Cat's Eye sisters are once again aiming to steal the three paintings that once belonged to their father. Only this time, Lupin III is also after the same trio of paintings that is targeted by the three sisters. The paintings in question will also reveal a long-buried mystery.