电影 龙牌之谜 第3集


伊哥·斯坦普陈科 成龙阿诺·施瓦辛格杰森·弗莱明姚星彤马丽李彧刘智福刘智堂刘智满李萌萌安娜·邱丽娜尤里·科洛科利尼科夫巴维尔·沃利亚克里斯托弗·法里班克马丁·科勒巴查尔斯·丹斯鲁特格尔·哈尔巴雷特·科茨伊戈尔·日日金娜露潘格慕·柴辛安德烈·梅尔兹利金维伦·巴比切夫苼楠塔茬·塔纳潘披散彼得·拉斐尔森尼基塔·塔拉索夫阿列克谢·彼得鲁欣葵咪莎拉·普碟安东尼·加瓦德马蒂厄·雅克莱安德罗·梅厄·马丁内斯 电影 俄罗斯内地美国 2019 查看整部剧情
电影《龙牌之谜》讲述了古老的东方传说——龙王在睡觉的时候睫毛长到地里能够长出茶叶。龙王把法力封印在龙牌里,并把这种力量赋予了替他照料睫毛的白魔法大师(成龙饰)和他的女儿成兰(姚星彤饰)。邪恶的黑魔法师将白魔法大师和成兰关进了异国监狱,龙王也陷入了沉睡,以茶叶为生的广大村民从此生活在水深火热之中…… The English traveller Jonathan Green receives from Peter the Great an order to map the Russian Far East. Once again he sets out for a long journey full of incredible adventures that will eventually lead him to China. The cartographer will unexpectedly face a lot of breathtaking discoveries, encounter bizarre creatures, meet with Chinese Princesses, and confront deadly martial arts masters, and even the king of all dragons, the Dragon King. What could be more dangerous than meeting eye-to-eye with Viy, except doing it again? What would be stronger this time, a staunch skepticism of the scientist or the old black magic that has seized power of Eastern lands?