电影 六月爱逝瞬间 第0集


ณัฐพลวงศ์ตรีเนตรกุล 查克利·彦纳姆仙妮达·邦雅淑KrissadaSukosolDeuntemSalitulSuchaoPongwilaiNapatkornMitr-emHiroSano玛郁琳·彭普潘 电影 泰国 2008 查看整部剧情
  Set in Thailand, between April-June 1999, ’A Moment In June’ is a story of the fusion of six lives, a song that links them together, a hope of the second chance that might never come and a moment they all need to make a life-changing decision.                                                                      —O Nathapon