电影 流血的拳击手 第2集


菲利普·法拉多 列维·施瑞博尔娜奥米·沃茨朗·普尔曼伊丽莎白·莫斯吉姆·加菲根沃斯·史蒂文斯普奇·豪尔 电影 美国 2016 查看整部剧情
影片根据新泽西重量级拳击手Chuck Wepner真实经历改编,他曾与“拳王”穆罕默德·阿里大战15回合,虽然最终惜败,但这也成全了西尔维斯特·史泰龙的经典之作《洛奇》由重量级拳击手Chuck Wepner的生平所启发的一出戏剧。A drama inspired by the life of heavyweight boxer Chuck Wepner. Chuck Wepner, the "Bayonne Bleeder," he was the pride of Bayonne, New Jersey, a man who went fifteen rounds in the ring with Muhammad Ali, and the real life inspiration for Rocky Balboa. But before all that, Chuck Wepner was a liquor salesman and father with a modest prizefighting career whose life changed overnight when, in 1975, he was chosen to take on The Greatest in a highly publicized title match. It's the beginning of a wild ride through the exhilarating highs and humbling lows of sudden fame-but what happens when your fifteen minutes in the spotlight are up?