电影 流浪之月 第3集


李相日 广濑铃松坂桃李横滨流星多部未华子趣里三浦贵大内田也哉子柄本明白鸟玉季増田光桜 电影 日本 2022 查看整部剧情
本片改编自凪良汐小说作品,广濑饰演9岁时遭到绑架的“被害人”家内更纱,横滨流星饰演更纱的未婚夫。而松坂则将扮演当时的“加害者”大学生佐伯文。多部饰演接近佐伯文的护士谷步。带着“被害人”和“加害者”标签生活的两人其实隐藏着当时事件的真实。 In a park on a rainy evening, a 19-year-old university student, Fumi, offers an umbrella to a soaking wet 10-year-old girl, Sarasa. Realizing her reluctance to go home, Fumi lets her stay in his place, where she spends the next two months in peace. They take each other's hands and seem to have finally found their place in the world until Fumi is arrested for kidnapping. Fifteen years later, the lonely two are reunited both still suffering from the stigma as the victim and perpetrator of "a pedophile case". Will the society give a place to their unshakable bond they have formed?