电影 临终千言 第11集


布莱恩·罗宾斯 艾迪·墨菲凯丽·华盛顿克利夫·柯蒂斯阿芮尔·温特克拉克·杜克 电影 美国 2012 查看整部剧情
杰克(艾迪·墨菲 Eddie Murphy 饰)有一张刀子嘴,为了达到目的,他什么样的话都能说得出口。因为这张嘴,他失去了许多的朋友却并不以为意。一日,杰克的诳语得罪了辛加博士(克利夫·柯蒂斯 Cliff Curtis 饰)——一位神秘的宗教领袖,为了让杰克明白自己的缺点,他召唤来了一颗菩提树。 辛加告诉杰克,菩提树上有一千片叶子,杰克每说一个单词,就会有一片树叶凋落,当树叶掉光之时,就是杰克的临终之日。突然被剥夺了自由说话的权利的杰克痛苦不已,失去语言的庇护反而让杰克懂得了“谨言慎行”的真正含义,随着时间的流逝,杰克也开始明白,有些话不能乱说,可是有些话却不能不说。 Jack McCall is a literary agent who uses his "gift of gab" to get various book deals, and he is not afraid to stretch the truth to get them. While he is trying to get a book deal from a New Age self-help guru named Dr. Sinja, the guru sees through his deceit and agrees to the deal, only to later deliver a five-page book. That night, a Bodhi tree magically appears in his backyard. Dr. Sinja goes to Jack's house and they both discover that for every word that Jack says, a leaf will fall off of the tree. When the tree runs out of leaves, the tree will perish, as will Jack. In time, he finds that even written words count towards his limit; plus anything that happens to the tree will also affect Jack. When Jack tries to cut it down with an axe, an axe wound appears on him. When squirrels climb the tree, it tickles him. When a gardener tries to poison it with DDT, Jack gets high on the fumes and when the gardener tries to water the tree, Jack starts to sweat profusely. With Jack forced to pick and choose his words, communicating with others becomes difficult and full of misunderstandings. These misunderstandings cost him two book deals, his job and his wife Caroline. She walks out on him when she thinks his sudden silence is due to him not loving her anymore. When he tries to explain the tree to her, she doesn't believe him. Only Jack's assistant Aaron Wiseberger realizes he is telling the truth, and goes to Jack's house to keep track of how many leaves remain. Jack tries to break the curse by being a better person by giving food to the homeless, and donating some of his money to charity, but that plan fails. Jack drinks a lot of alcohol in the night, causing him to sing a lot, thus making the tree lose lots of leaves. Only when Aaron confronts him and tackles him to the ground does Jack stop speaking. With his life falling apart and the tree running out of leaves, Jack confronts Dr. Sinja and asks how to end the curse. The guru tells him to make peace in all of his relationships. With just one branch of leaves left, Jack tries to reconcile with his wife, but she remains hesitant. He visits his mother Annie, who lives in an assisted-living center and has dementia. Annie tells Jack, who she thinks is Jack's late father Raymond, that she wishes Jack would stop being angry at his father for walking out on them when he was a kid. Jack, realizing that this is the relationship that needs the most mending, goes to visit his father's grave. Jack expends the last three leaves of the tree with the words, "I forgive you." With no leaves remaining, Jack suffers a heart attack in a storm and appears to have died. Jack's cellphone rings, and it is Aaron. Jack, who is still alive, answers his phone. Aaron tells him that the tree's leaves have magically reappeared and Jack can now talk freely again. Jack and Caroline get back together, with Jack buying the family-friendly house Caroline asked for earlier, and the tree is in their front yard. He does not get his job back (Aaron was promoted to Jack's old position), but he writes a book about his experience, called "A Thousand Words", and gets Aaron to make the deal. Unfortunately for Aaron, his promotion causes him to be like Jack was, thus he gets his own smaller office Bodhi tree. 获奖情况 第33届金酸莓奖  (2013) 最差影片(提名) 最差男主角(提名) 艾迪·墨菲 最差剧本(提名) 史蒂夫·科伦