电影 烈火之前 第2集


CharlieBuhler 詹娜·林·亚当斯杰克逊·戴维斯瑞恩·维吉兰特CharlesHubbellDakotaMorrissiey蒂姆·德里斯科尔M·J·卡密丽莎·古德曼JohnTagueCharlieBuhlerAndrewMarksmanMartinMica 电影 美国 2020 查看整部剧情
当一个全球大流行迫使电视女演员逃到她的家乡农村,入侵者从她过去证明了纷扰的病毒一样危险。 As a global pandemic engulfs Los Angeles, rising TV star Ava Boone is forced to flee the mounting chaos and return to her rural hometown. As she struggles to acclimate to a way of life she left behind long ago, her homecoming attracts a dangerous figure from her past- threatening both her and the family that serves as her only sanctuary.