电影 老妇人 第0集


林善爱 芮秀贞奇周峯金俊京张宋允 电影 韩国 2019 查看整部剧情
讲述现年69岁的“孝贞”在医院被29岁的男护士性侵,经过长时间的思考,她把这件事告诉了和她住在一起的“东根”并一起报了警,然而,警察和周围的人都认为这是不可能的事,污蔑“孝贞”是老年痴呆患者,法院也以年龄的悬殊为根据,事件的偶然性不足为由驳回了拘捕令。然而“孝贞”并没有因此屈服,而是鼓足勇气继续向前走。 Hyo-jeong, a 69-year-old woman, is raped by a male nurse aide. But few people, including the police, are willing to believe her words. Most people question whether that handsome young man really would have done so. The male nurse aide claims that it was a consensual sexual relationship. Only Dong-in, who loves Hyo-jeong dearly, is cooing to free her from her injustice.