电影 狼犬丹尼 第0集


路易斯·莱特里尔 李连杰摩根·弗里曼鲍勃·霍斯金斯凯瑞·康顿文森特·里根 电影 法国 2005 查看整部剧情
高利贷商人巴特(Bob Hoskins 饰)在丹尼(李连杰 饰)四岁时将他收留,从此用训练猛兽的方式让丹尼成为自己忠实的“狼犬”。巴特日常的工作是带领自己的手下与丹尼四处收账,如有任何人胆敢暴力反抗,巴特就放开丹尼颈上的项圈——那是进攻的信号,让后者用蛮横凶残的招式击溃对方。每次任务结束,丹尼都被送回阴暗的地下铁笼。 某次打斗中,丹尼偶遇盲调音师山姆(Morgan Freeman 饰),并为钢琴所深深吸引以致忘记了巴特的任务。盛怒的巴特将丹尼送上以死亡为终结的地下拳场,赚取了更多的利润,在离开拳场的路上巴特一伙遭仇家埋伏,丹尼幸免于难,被山姆一家收留。在山姆家里丹尼体味到缺失的亲情,逐渐找回了自身的人性一面,并开始学习弹奏钢琴。巴特等人经过治疗后痊愈,再次将丹尼拉回到拳场,然而丹尼已不再愿意杀人,无意中又发现了当年自己母亲遇害的真相,丹尼与巴特一伙的决战在所难免…… Two men cut off from the world in different ways become unlikely friends and protectors in this offbeat action drama. Danny (Jet Li) is a physically powerful but emotionally stunted man; never given any sort of proper education, Danny has learned little in his lifetime but how to fight, and his minder, Bart (Bob Hoskins), treats him more like a guard dog than anything else, using him in illegal no-holds-barred brawls that earn Bart plenty of money but only reinforce Danny's violent alienation. When Bart is injured in an auto accident, Danny is left to fend for himself, and stumbles upon Sam (Morgan Freeman), an elderly piano tuner who has lost his sight. Sam is the first person to treat Danny with kindness, and the music he plays soothes the troubled soul of the fighter. However, Danny's fighting skills soon come in handy when Sam runs afoul of a pack of small-time crooks who believe he knows too much about their operations.