电影 蜡笔小新:我的搬 第0集


桥本昌和 矢岛晶子楢桥美纪藤原启治兴梠里美真柴摩利林玉绪一龙斋贞友佐藤智惠纳谷六朗七绪春日富泽美智惠三石琴乃玉川纱己子铃木玲子高山南根谷美智子伊藤静阪口大助大本真基子大友龙三郎上田祐司胜杏里宫泽正木村雅史伊东美弥子指原莉乃坂本真绫浪川大辅堀内贤雄平田广明 电影 日本 2015 查看整部剧情
新的一年,小新一家决定离开生活了多年的地方,举家前往墨西哥。在新的国度,小新一家遇到了很多新奇的人和事,同时也遭遇到了仙人掌怪物的袭击,小新不得不肩负起了保卫家人的重担。 Hiroshi was ordered to collect the fruit of cactus and was transferred to Mexico. So, Nohara family had to move to Mexico and live there. They had to bid farewell to their acquaintances and the citizens of Kasukabe with tears. Shinnosuke heard that Mexican young girls are stylish and beautiful and became eager for this journey. On arriving at Madakueruyobaka city in Mexico, a new life full of anxiety, surrounded by unique neighbors awaits them. But Shinnosuke and Nohara family had no idea that flesh-eating killer cacti are going to attack.