电影 狙击兵 第2集


马修·瓦德皮 奥玛·希AlassaneDiong乔纳斯·布洛凯BamarKane阿拉萨内·塞伊AminataWone弗朗索瓦·夏托特ClémentSambouOumarSey蕾雅·加尼AristideTarnagdaIndjaiCaramoSouleymaneBahJordanGomisIbrahimaBaAnthonyPaliottiAntoineRéjasse 电影 法国塞内加尔 2022 查看整部剧情
第一次世界大战期间塞内加尔狙击手的故事。 During World War I, a father enlists himself in the French Army in order to be with his 17-year-old son who was recruited against his will. Sent to the front, they find themselves facing the war together in the French colony of Senegal.