电影 金榜题名 第0集


李惠民 张智霖丁子峻任达华李修贤陈惠敏吴毅将郑嘉莉韩国材林子聪午马陈志辉尹扬明吴志雄黎彼得梁伟业黄子扬冯素波陈少荣卓伟文 电影 香港 1996 查看整部剧情
一个自小在公共屋村长大的小伙子飞全(张智霖),胆色过人,智勇双全,他下决心要在黑道闯出自己的天下。凭着自己的实力,他很快就“出位”,金榜提名,成为黑社会十大杰出人物之一,他的行动也渐渐引起了反黑组警员李SIR(李修贤)的注意,他试图挽救还没有陷得太深的飞全,但声势正如日中天的飞全对李SIR的忠告却置若罔闻,认为靠自己便什么都可以解决,可是这种想法终于要了他的性命…… Fai Chuen is a young man who wants to rise in the triad of Hong Kong. He's tough; he's respected by his friends; he loves Apple, daughter of his boss in the small-time Hung Lok gang in Wanchai; and, he encourages the studies of Chun, the son of his mother's closest relative. When Chuen comes to the attention of Piu, a top triad boss, the Hung Lok gang is assigned a hit; Chuen commits the murder and then is frustrated when Apple's father takes the fall. Chuen's cockiness gets him in trouble again when he disobeys Piu to revenge a friend's death. Chuen, who's reached the police bulletin board's most wanted, is now expendable. Can he and Apple escape to the Mainland? 获奖情况 第16届香港电影金像奖  (1997) 最佳男配角(提名) 任达华