电影 界外球 第2集


MattCarter 亚历山大·林肯亚历山大·金WilliamHearleChristopherSherwood皮特·麦克佛森PearseEganMaryLincoln凯恩·萨里MaryLincolnCarlLoughlinChrisGarnerFranckAssiIvanComissoRobbieMainNigelFairsDianaGovina 电影 英国 2022 查看整部剧情
在一次酒醉后的邂逅之后,来自一个资金拮据、日益分裂的同性恋橄榄球俱乐部的两名男子近乎梦游般地坠入了爱河,但他们必须隐藏日益增长的情感,否则就可能会毁掉他们热爱的俱乐部。 Minute for minute, you won't find a more handsome-packed film this year than British rugby drama In from the Side, a surprisingly moving sports-team story slathered in sweat, streaked with mud, and dripping with sexuality. As a "B Squad" of gay athletes tries to overcome inexperience and push past rivalries to score an elusive win, a secret affair simmers among them. Romantic Mark (puppy-eyed Alexander Lincoln) finds himself unable to avoid the blazing appeal of teammate Warren (Alexander King), who sets off every red (or in rugby, yellow) flag: the cocky attitude, the emotional unavailability, the long-term boyfriend. In From The Side dives deep into rugby-half macho battlefield, half tender brotherhood-but don't sweat the rules (or "laws," which even the sport's fans find impenetrable): the real drama occurs off the field as infidelities, heartbreak, and unimpeded passions rule the day. A triumph for director Matt Carter-who shot, edited, co-wrote, and composed the music-In from the Side infuses every vivid frame with heat.