电影 虎穴枭雄 第0集


WilliamCastle BrettKing芭芭拉·劳伦斯詹姆斯·格里菲斯 电影 美国 1954 查看整部剧情
残忍的绑匪和警察展开了激烈的枪战,危急之时,其他绑匪主张杀掉人质。其中一个绑匪陈博却坚持反对。原来陈博是中美混血儿,少年时代遭受周围人的歧视,一时怒极误杀同学,进了监狱,遭受到了非人的待遇,因此更加愤世疾俗。出狱后踏入了黑社会,觉得这样才能找到自己的生存价值,然而却越陷越深…… Joe Branch (Brett King), reputed to be the son of Jesse James, comes riding into Coffeyville Kansas in 3-D, looking for proof one way or the other regarding the question of who is father was. He rescues Kate Manning (Barbara Lawrence) from being lynched by a mob because she had killed the son of the towns's leading citizen while defending her honor, or what was left of it. Rescuing Kate is an important plot hinge, in a movie that makes little or no sense historically or plot-wise, as her father had ridden with Jesse James. Joe also has an idea that he can learn something by making contact with the Daltons, and his method of doing that is by holding up the train to steal an Army payroll, as he knows the Daltons had intended to steal it themselves and knows they will come looking for him. Being smart enough to beat them to the payroll evidently doesn't equate to being smart enough to know the Daltons are going to be more than a little miffed when they find him. The title is a misnomer since the long-dead Jesse James does not appear, and Joe also turns out to not be his son.