电影 横行霸盗国语 第0集


陈会毅 曾志伟任达华王敏德关翠珊莫家尧杜汶泽叶荣祖 电影 香港 2002 查看整部剧情
陈魁、杨坤、Rick和小雄组成一个专门从事械劫的犯罪团伙,其中小雄驾驶技术高超,他专门负责驾车接送;离职警察Rick因为身具专业知识,负责行动的策划;杨坤是退伍军人,性格火爆,专长是枪械和爆破;而陈魁表面其貌不扬,其实是个老江湖,在各地都有门路,在组织中有着微妙的制衡力量。四人的组合完美无瑕,每次行动均经过精密计算且动作迅速,不仅在香港做下无数大案,更将抢劫范围扩展至东南亚,警方对其一筹莫展,派出的卧底警员也屡屡遇害。坚硬的城堡总是在内部被攻破。一次在泰国的行动失手,还得罪了泰国黑道的老大金爷。四人开始貌合神离,陈魁处处自作主张、一意孤行的作法,引起了杨坤和Rick的不满,在与金爷火拼的过程中,杨坤将枪口转向了陈魁…… In Hong Kong, an elite gang of robbers - regarded as somewhat of a crime dream team - is formed, each member selected for their previous well-planned, swift, and successful operations. They are fearless and lethal, even going so far as to kill an undercover cop to humiliate the police. However, internal strife is brewing among the team. Three of its members plot to get rid of the leader, dissatisfied that his share of the loot seems disproportionate. The questions remain: will this faction of the gang overcome their leader, and could this gang of strong-minded thieves hold up without him?