电影 汉城大劫案 第3集


崔东勋 朴信阳廉晶雅白润植千虎珍朴元尚 电影 韩国 2004 查看整部剧情
韩国银行被一个五人骗子团伙劫走五十亿元,然而案发当场这个犯罪团伙即有一人身亡,一人被捕。金探长(千浩振 饰)负责此案,他迅速展开对其余三人的调查与追索,案情也随之渐渐浮出水面…… 刚刑满释放的蔡常赫(朴信阳 饰)策划用银行支票套取韩国银行巨款,为此他找到诈骗老手金先生(白允植 饰),金先生团伙曾经在四年前用计令两位教师倾家荡产身败名裂,不想轻易再出手的金先生被常赫的计划打动,找来老搭档诈骗犯“大嘴”和有暴力倾向的“燕子”,以及伪造票据的高手“汽油”三人,五人团伙正式组成。金先生的情妇徐任晶(廉晶雅 饰)与常赫接触日久生情,两人在金先生眼皮底下暧昧不清。常赫在案发现场身亡后,徐任晶入住常赫之弟常虎的书店中,不知其意欲何为。而此次劫案之所以失败,背后的隐情令人震惊…… After being convicted for fraud, one month has passed since CHOI Chang-Hyuk's release from jail. But this time around he's got an elaborate plan cooked up. It's the biggest bank heist in history. The best five thieves come together to form a team. Starting with CHOI Chang-Hyuk, the brain behind the perfect plan : Master KIM, the godfather of Master KIM, the godfather of swindlers; Big Mouth, a guy who can talk people into anything; Swallow, a remarkable lady-killer; and Gasoline, who has a gift for counterfeiting. But the only drawback is that they all can't trust each other. They have only one goal - to hit a bank for 5 billion won ($5 million)- but each one of them has their own plan in mind.