电影 分秒间离 第0集


AntonioNegret 奥兰多·琼斯EdmundEntinGaryEntin 电影 美国 2011 查看整部剧情
在一次寻常的大学生家庭派对上,荷尔蒙过剩的青年们尽情玩耍。然而当晚却发生了一起血腥惨剧,数名校队运动员在地下室玩俄罗斯轮盘赌,最终导致4人身亡。在此之后,兰普金警探(Orlando Jones 饰)受命调查此事,并走访了死亡大学生所在的教会学校。通过对死者朋友们的盘查,他将盘问对象所定在乔纳(Edund Entin 饰)和赛斯(Gary Entin 饰)身上。 乔纳和赛斯是一对俊美的双胞胎,他们有着极高的智商,却为周围的同学所不容,共同视他们二人为怪胎。他们虽然经常拿着摄像机在学校走来走去,不过早已被他人当作空气。随着兰普金调查的深入,这对神秘兄弟的关系也变得越来越微妙…… After the death of four high school students, the last two playing Russian Roulette, Detective Lampkin investigates the case interviewing the students in the school. The teenager Katie Dunn mentions the weird twins, Jonah and Seth Trimble and Lampkin summons the brothers for interrogation. Lampkin is a traumatized man that lost his beloved wife in a fire and has deep scars not only on the face, but also in his soul. After the deaths of Katie and the pedophile Kirby, Lampkin learns that the twins have an evil telepathic connection and are capable to make people live their worst nightmares. He goes further in his investigation and discovers that the evil twins are the result of an experiment. However, his superiors do not trust on him and believe that he has hallucinations. Meanwhile Jonah falls in love with Eve but his brother does not want to separate from him.