电影 飞机陷落 第4集


让-弗朗索瓦·雷切 杰拉德·巴特勒麦克·柯尔特安柚鑫丹妮艾拉·皮内达保罗·本-维克托RemiAdeleke乔伊·斯洛特尼克EvanDaneTaylorClarodelosReyes托尼·戈德温LillyKrug塔拉·维斯特伍德MarkLabella奥利弗·特雷韦纳凯莉·盖尔艾梅柏·里维拉ModestoLacenJeffFrancisco杰弗里·霍尔斯曼 电影 英国美国 2023 查看整部剧情
飞行员布罗迪·托伦斯完成了一项英勇的任务:在飞机被风暴摧毁的情况下,成功降落在战争敌对地区,之后却发现自己受到了武装海盗的威胁,他们想劫机并把乘客作为人质。在全世界都在寻找这架失踪的飞机时,布罗迪必须振作起来,在救援到来之前保护乘客的安全。 Brodie Torrance saves his passengers from a lightning strike by making a risky landing on a war-torn island - only to find that surviving the landing was just the beginning. When most of the passengers are taken hostage by dangerous rebels, the only person Torrance can count on for help is Louis Gaspare, an accused murderer who was being transported by the FBI. In order to rescue the passengers, Torrance will need Gaspare's help, and will learn there's more to Gaspare than meets the eye.