电影 独角兽2017 第3集


EduardoNunes BárbaraLuz帕特里夏·皮拉泽卡洛斯·马查多LeeTaylor 电影 巴西 2017 查看整部剧情
巴西儿童题材影片。根据作家HildaHilst的两部短片小说改编,该片以不同寻常的屏幕比例拍摄(2.83:1),一个13岁的小女孩和她的母亲住在一个与世隔绝的地方。他们正在等待他们的父亲和丈夫回来。但取而代之的是,另一个男人出现了,改变了母女之间的关系 A young girl of 13 lives with her mother on an isolated property. They are awaiting the return of their father and husband. But instead, another man appears, transforming the relationship between the mother and daughter. Based on two short stories by Brazilian poet Hilda Hilst and filmed in an unusual screen ratio that reinforces the otherworldly dimension, the film was selected for the 2018 Berlinale.