电影 北极百货店的接待 第1集


板津匡览 川井田夏海大塚刚央飞田展男潘惠美藤原夏海吉富英治福山润中村悠一津田健次郎立川谈春岛本须美寿美菜子家中宏七海弘希高野麻里佳花泽香菜冰上恭子入野自由诸星堇村濑步 电影 日本 2023 查看整部剧情
  光临北极百货店的客人是各种各样的动物,而客人们有各种各样的烦恼。就看新人接待员秋乃小姐,如何一桩桩解决客人们的难题吧! Akino, the new concierge works at a mysterious department store where a majority of the customers are animals. The word 'no' doesn't exist in a concierge's dictionary." That's just one of the demanding rules that Akino must abide by in her new job as a saleswoman at the elegant and expansive Hokkyoku Department Store. It's a very special store the customers are all animals, and the most valued among them are of extinct species. Sea minks, laughing owls, Japanese wolves, even an enormous mammoth that's Mr. Woolly, the celebrated sculptor whose works are showcased at the store. It's still a luxury retail space, though, and anxious Akino finds her hands full with the customers' challenging requests. These range from hard-to-find merchandise to more complicated matters of the heart. Can the inexperienced Akino fulfill their whims and meet their expectations? If she wants to keep her job, she'll have to succeed while under constant observation by the fussy floor manager Mr. Todo, a creepy consultant eager to downsize the staff, and the store's enigmatic president (who is not a penguin, by the way!.).