电视剧 西部世界第四季 第9集


未知 埃文·蕾切尔·伍德坦迪·牛顿杰弗里·怀特亚伦·保尔艾德·哈里斯詹姆斯·麦斯登吴彦祖曼尼·蒙塔纳阿丽亚娜·德博斯奥罗拉·佩里诺吉姆·科迪·威廉姆斯丽贝卡·拉迪西奇MaynardBagangBrandonSklenarCroninCullenMasashiIshizukaMateoMontez 电视剧 美国 2022 查看整部剧情
HBO剧集《西部世界》宣布续订第4季。 新季回归时间和集数都尚未宣布,据外媒THR从消息人士获知,本剧计划共有6季。 A man in Las Vegas attends a bard Meeting at the Hoover Dam. The Man in Black, William Logan arrives . A tour shows a massive server farm inside the generating station. Black makes a generous offer to buy the entire site, he says his stolen but encrypted data is there. The Spansih man refuses, both make polite threats. Hugo returns home, notices flies everywhere. A massive swarm is on the ceiling. Later, he wakes, returns to the Hoover Dam offices. He kills his gang members, then gives Black the purchase agreement for $0. Hugo slices his own throat as Black/Logan walks away. A Brunette Dolores/Christina wakes up. Meets her roommate Maya for breakfast. They discuss a party that night, Christina doesn't go out much. She walks to work, sits at her workstation. A supervisor takes her aside, he wants more edge to her stories. A voice mail says her game designs are ruining his life. Maeve sits by a fire recalling her daughter from Westworld and events with Caleb. She causes a large power blackout. Caleb works as a maintainer on a high rise. He discusses with a coworker how their lives have changed since the event 8 years ago. He goes home to show his daughter his handgun prowess, she practices. Wife Maude calls them in for dinner. Maeve drives to a store in the mountains. She buys an ax as the friendly storekeeper says he gave her friends some directions 20 minutes ago. Back near her house she sees a gun crew waiting for her. Using a rifle she starts a firefight. She wins easily and cuts off the leader's head. Plugging in she views the optical memory and sees it worked for Logan. She curses, burns her house and walks away. Christina is startled at her apt, she checks the fire escape landing and sees the Westworld maze symbol. She goes to the party with Maya. She has a dinner with a rich man, explains her job writing background characters for video games. In the powder room her phone rings, she talks to the caller, the guy concerned about what she is doing. The man Peter runs into Christina on her way home, he is distraught her stories are causing his people trouble. They fight, a figure rescues her then disappears. Caleb reads to his daughter then tucks her in. Peter calls Christina again. He is on a roof-edge and jumps to his death blaming her. Maude complains to Caleb his paranoia is rubbing off on their child. The girl Frankie drops her teddy out the window, a man attacks but Maeve rescues them with her katana. She warns him about William Logan. Caleb wants to help, he promises Wanda he will return. In NYC Christina dictates a new story a girl searching for meaning. Down below a figure watches her, Teddy Flood from Westworld.