电视剧 特伦特探员 第0集


霍华德·达奇保罗·麦圭根 DeionSmith拉蒙·罗德里格兹埃丽卡·克里斯滕森库尔特·岳IanthaRichardson托德·艾伦·德金CoraLuTran杰克·麦克劳克林IsaiahStratton 电视剧 美国 2023 查看整部剧情
特工威尔·特伦特一出生就被遗弃,在亚特兰大不堪重负的寄养系统中经历了艰难的成长。他决心不让任何人有和他一样的感觉,现在他的清除率最高。 Special Agent Will Trent was abandoned at birth and endured a harsh coming-of-age in Atlanta's overwhelmed foster care system. Determined to make sure no one feels as he did, he now has the highest clearance rate. The series revolves around special agent Will Trent of the Georgia Bureau of Investigation (GBI), who was abandoned at birth and endured a harsh coming-of-age in Atlanta's overwhelmed foster care system. But now, determined to use his unique point of view to make sure no one is abandoned like he was, Will Trent has the highest clearance rate in the GBI.