电视剧 湿身侦探水野羽衣 第14集


草野翔吾金井纯一長野晋也 大原樱子矢本悠马大堀幸一姚爱寗生驹里奈秋山柚稀松田流花滨津隆之叶加濑麻衣安本彩花 电视剧 日本 2019 查看整部剧情
水野羽衣利用被淋湿能回到过去的能力在哥哥经营的侦探事务所帮忙查出事件真相。 University student Hagoromo likes to tend to her studies, but it is not easy. She lives at a love hotel operated by her father. She lives with her older brother who is a detective and always asks her for help. It is not just that he is not good at his job. It is also that Hagoromo can travel in time. She has the ability to travel back in time and find out what happened when a crime occurs. As such, she is an arm of the detective agency.