电视剧 明日传奇第六季 第0集


凯蒂·洛茨CaityLotzKevinMock 凯蒂·洛茨CaityLotz马特·瑞安多米尼克·珀塞尔杰斯·麦卡兰尼克·扎诺塔拉·阿什雷蒙娜·杨米娜桑德沃尼克·毕肖普奥利维亚·斯旺艾米·彭伯顿 电视剧 美国 2021 查看整部剧情
CW又一次一口气续订多剧,这次共13部,包括《明日传奇 DC’s Legends of Tomorrow》(S6)。 In London, 1977, Waverider hovers above the city. Mick walks through the trashed ship, goes to mess room past a bunch of passed-out punks who couldn't handle their liquor, and makes breakfast. he finds Ava passed out in the bathroom, and she asks where Sara is. Mick has no idea, and neither does Gideon. Mick says that everyone else is in Skyemont, because Sara wrote a Skyemont address on her hand. In a flat in London, John looks out the window and waxes on about the wonders of the city and the time. Zari is in bed behind him, and comments that he's in a good mood. John points out that he has his soul back, Astra is redeemed, and he gets to wake up next to Zari. Sara and Mick come in, and find John and Zari in bed. Ava says that it's none of her business that they're together, and then throws up from her hangover. Ava asks if they know where Sara is, and Tala shows them a business card that someone handed her. It's for a casino, and Astra is playing poker. When she keeps winning, the other players accuses her of cheating. Astra claims that she's just lucky, and one of them puts his gun on the table. The Legends come in, and Astra says that she's lucky and richer. The team heads off down the street, and Astra says that she likes toying with mortals. Astra says that she hasn't seen Sara, and she might have gone back to the club with Nick to see David Bowie. At the club, Nick is telling Bowie about how Zari is trapped in a totem, and he's afraid he's never going to see her again. The Legends come in, and Nick says that the last he saw of Sara was at the concert, Bowie sings about Sara disappearing, and Sara picks up on him,. They ask who he's singing about, and Bowie says that he saw her get sucked up into a spaceship. Sara caps Bowie's memories, takes the Super 8 he was filming on, and go back to Waverider and develop the film. They watch the film, and on it Sara says that she's going to propose to Ava and shows Bowie the ring. When she goes outside, she gets pulled up into a UFO. Ava takes it in and walks out, saying she'll be right back. Nick suggests that they give Ava some space, and they go over what they know about aliens. Mick interrupts to say that they're running out of time and have to find Sara. Sara wakes up in a small metal cell. Gas starts filling the cell, and Sara hits a control panel that opens the door. She gets out and falls on the floor, and discovers that she's on an alien spaceship., A view port shows that the ship is above Earth. Waverider cruises through the timestream, and Ava rejoins the others and says that it's time to get organized. As she hands out binders, Ava indicates that they just have to get organized. John says that he and Sara have a psychic link since he helped her out of Purgatory, and they need to go to his mansion. Astra points out that she's not part of the team, and Behrad want to do some drugs to mellow out. Mick comes in and says that nothing works without Sara,. Ava then tells Nick that they're going to go to the DEO to get help. Sara goes through the UFO and finds a chamber. She opens it and Spartacus falls out. He introduces himself and walks off, and motions Sara to follow him. At the mansion, Joh tries to cast a spell. He then tells Zari and Astra that he couldn't find Sara, and alien abduction isn't his area of expertise. John walks off and Zari tells Astra that they should check with her network. Ava tries to call the DEO and gets no answer. Gideon tells her that the DEO was destroyed by Rama Khan in 2020. The AI figures that they're dealing with a temporal anomaly because there was no UFO above London in 1970. Nate points out that since it's a temporal anomaly, it's their jurisdiction, and has Ava participate in breathing exercises with him. Behrad comes in with a tabloid from twenty years ago and reveals a headline about Esperanza Cruz, who said that she was abducted by aliens and then she could communicate with them. Ava is skeptical, but Nick and Behrad figure that it's a good lead. Ava tells them to get Mick and investigate Esperanza in the present day so they don't mix up the timeline. Spartacus and Sara walk through the UFO, and Spartacus figures that there are other prisoners, and they should liberate them and lead a rebellion. He opens a cell, and an alien emerges. The alien smashes Sara aside and charges at her, and she grabs a pipe and fends it off. The two fight while Spartacus stares, and Sara finally manages to knock it into its chamber and seal the door. Spartacus claim that he was letting the alien tire itself out on Sara. Sara hits him, says that she's a preventer, and they should find the ship's pilot. Mick and Behrad go to Esperanza's compound and break in through the gate. Esperanza watches them on the surveillance cameras and goes out to confront them. Sara and Spartacus find the bridge, and the two aliens there. Sara says that they should wait until they split up, but Spartacus wants to fight them immediately. When Sara tells him that the army of slaves he led is long dead, a furious Spartacus charges out to avenge his comrades. One of the aliens, Kayla, immediately grabs him with its tentacle and pulls him into its chest cavity. Sara ducks back as the alien eats Spartacus, and then Kayla goes out into the UFO past Sara to check the pods. Zari and Astra find John, wake him up, and Astra says that she heard about Alester Crowley in Hell, and he had a book where he documented his encounters with aliens. John says that he summoned Crowley and trapped him. He kept the book, but discovers that Gary took it from the shelf where he put it. The alien checks the pods and discovers that Sara and Spartacus escaped. Sara confronts the leader on the bridge and asks him at pipe point whey it abducted her. John finds the room where Gary took the book. There's a chrysalis of flesh hanging from the ceiling. The alien can't communicate in English, and it produces a pair of glasses that, when it puts them on, makes it look like Gary. He asks Sara not to be mad. Ava monitors Behrad and Mick, and Behrad figures that Ava needs a look. Nick is with Ava, and she tells him that she doesn't want to talk about her emotions. He says that she hasn't mentioned Sara's proposal first, and Ava tells him they need to focus on getting Sara back. Mick and Behrad find the building where Esperanza lives. they break in and Esperanza shoots them with tranq darts. Esperanza takes her prisoner's gear and ties them up. John, Astra, and Zari return to Ava and Nick, and tell them what they found. Astra explains that Gary is an alien, and they found his glasses that let him look human. Zari demonstrates by putting them on, and Ava figures that Gary abducted Sara. Gary tells Sara that he was sent to Earth to kidnaps the quintessential human: Sara. Spartacus was just his boss's lunch. Gary couldn't go through with Sara's abduction, because he fell in love with all humans. However, his boss Kayla found them and Gary rigged the pod to open with Sara's handprint. Sara points out how wrecked Ava must feel, and Gary tells her to do it in because he's destroyed the thing he most loves. Sara tells Gary to tell her about the UFO. Mick and Behrad wakes up and yell, and Ava hears them on their implanted comms. Meanwhile, Esperanza prepares to dissect them to figure out what how they work. She says that she goes by the nickname Spooner, and Behrad says that they need the communicator in her head to talk to the aliens. He asks Spooner to come with them, and Spooner says that they're not going anywhere. She takes out knives to dissect them. When Behrad calls for help on his comm, Spooner realizes what he's doing and cuts the implant out of his neck. Gideon pinpoints the team's location, and Spooner listens in as Ava tells Gideon to take Waverider to the compound. Spooner realizes from hacking the comm that they're coming, goes out, and opens fire on Waverider as it arrives. Ava goes down via a portal and tells Spooner that they're time travelers. She apologizes for trespassing and says she will do anything if Spooner can help her find Spooner. Spooner figures that an alien would say it, just as Mick frees himself, comes up behind her, and shoots her with her own tranq gun. On the UFO, Sara says that they should commandeer the UFO from Kayla, create a wormhole, and fly back to Earth. First, Gary has to get rid of Kayla. Gary removes his glasses and goes to confront Kayla, finds him, and after a moment, Kayla goes to the bridge. Sara attacks him with the pipe, and Kayla catches it when she throws it and throws it back. Gary prepares to open the wormhole. Kayla throws Sara back into her pod and activates the controls to "freeze" her again. Spooner wakes up in Waverider's medbay, and Ava and Behrad greet her. She says that the thing in her head is like an antenna, and the aliens could track her. Ava offers to remove the communicator if Spooner helps her. They take Spooner to the bridge, and John makes a Sigil on the floor after Spooner makes contact with Gary. She drinks a smoothie made from the chrysalis because it's part of Gary, takes off her tinfoil cowboy hat, and John casts his spell. John opens a portal to the UFO via the Sigil, and Spooner senses Gary, and says that he's trying to help Sara. John collapses from the strain, and Ava steps into the Sigil and lends her willpower. Sara is freezing in the pod, and hears Ava's voice. They communicate mentally and Ava tells Sara to stay with her. She accepts Sara's proposal, and Sara had better get home. Ava tells Sara that she loves her. The spell drains John's life fore, and Zari uses her wind powers to break the connection. On the UFO, Sara puts on the engagement ring that she was going to give Ava, cuts the glass on her pod, and breaks out. Kayla is in the hallway, and Sara prepares to fight him again. Gary opens the wormhole and yells to Sara, who is fighting Kayla. She opens an airlock and Kayla manages to hold himself rather than being pulled into space. Sara reaches the controls and turns the ship toward the wormhole. She then releases cargo pods, knocking Kayla into the wormhole, and manages to close the cargo door shut. John wakes up at the mansion, and finds Zari sitting over him. He says that she saved him, and she dismissively says that she couldn't let him die after getting his soul back. Zari tells him to let him know when he has his strength back, and saunters off to the bedroom. Astra comes back and John tells her that Crowley is a slippery fish and not to be trusted. He points out that Astra was back on Waverider, and she says that she can't keep getting enmeshes in Legend mission. Astra wants to see what it's like to be normal, and tells John that he has more than a "fling" with Zari despite his claims. As Behrad takes Spooner to the medbay to remove the communicator, he asks her to stay. Spooner says that she wants to have a normal life without the communicator. Gideon scans Spooner and doesn't find the communicator without killing Spooner for a dissection. Spooner can hear alien voices in her head, and says that they're all around them. Behrad and Spooner go to the bridge, where the others are watching aliens fall into the timeline. Ava smiles and says that Sara is the only one who could create such momentum... which means that Sara is alive. On the UFO, Gary and Sara prepare to pilot the ship into the wormhole. Gary says that he was engaged to Kayla, and the wormhole disappears before they can enter it... and the UFO plummets out of control.