电视剧 海军罪案调查处: 第25集


TonyWharmby 克里斯·奥唐纳丹妮拉·鲁阿巴雷特·福琳达·亨特LLCoolJ皮特·坎姆博尔艾瑞克·克里斯蒂安·奥森瑞内·菲利斯·史密斯库里·格拉汉姆弗朗克西斯·周斯科特·凯恩金大贤洛奇·卡罗尔克瑞丝汀·罗丝克莱格·罗伯特·扬谢尔曼·奥古斯图斯米盖尔·弗尔彼得·斯特曼格雷格·亨利劳拉·里根丘增朴敏庆布莱恩·阿维尔斯威廉·格雷戈里·李克里斯多弗·兰伯特库珀·索恩顿 电视剧 美国 2011 查看整部剧情
Having followed Hetty from Prague in the Czech Republic to a beachside house on the Black Sea in Romania, G, Sam, Kensi, and Deeks check out the neighborhood while G recovers some of his childhood memories, and while Hetty chats with the head of the Comescu family, who describes the history of a family feud and a connection with G. Nell persuades Eric to eat and drink inside the ops center, and the two of them support the work of the others in the field. Hunter, Hetty's successor in Los Angeles, shows up under puzzling circumstances, then Deeks leads three "prisoners" to G, Sam, and Kensi; the team learn about Hunter and her background, and G speaks with Director Vance and with Hunter. G creates a diversion, then the team shoot their way into the house, where they find Hetty, where G decides whether to trust Hunter, and where Hunter finds them and grabs a notebook computer. The team prepare to make tracks, but Hetty has lost some blood.