电视剧 高堡奇人第一季 第26集


大卫·塞梅尔丹尼尔·珀西瓦尔肯·奥林迈克尔·瑞迈尔布莱恩·斯派克尼尔森·麦科米克布拉德·安德森卡瑞恩·库萨马迈克尔·斯洛维斯 艾莉克莎·黛瓦洛斯鲁珀特·伊文斯卢克·克莱恩坦克DJ·考尔斯乔尔·德·拉·冯特田川洋行卢夫斯·塞维尔迈克尔·里斯波利杰弗里·布莱克卡尔斯腾·诺尔加拉德康纳·莱斯利阿诺德·陈里克·沃尔斯杰克·科勒尔汉克·哈里斯香农·戴松崎悠希伯恩哈德·福克艾伦·哈韦朗·罗格保罗·佩普冈本多绪 电视剧 美国 2015 查看整部剧情
亚马逊发布了13部原创剧的试播剧之一。 《高堡奇人》讲述了一个替代现实故事,德国和日本打赢了二战,美国被德国和日本统治,希特勒感染了梅毒,德国开始征服太阳系,而一位高堡奇人却在创作一本书讲述美国打赢二战的故事。 It is the year 1962. Having lost World War 2, the United States is now occupied by Germany and Japan. Germany occupies the eastern states and Japan the western, with the Neutral Zone in between. When her sister is killed by the Japanese, Juliana Crain is sucked into the covert, dangerous world of the American Resistance. Opposing her and her comrades are the most ruthless forces the Nazis and Japanese have to offer, lead by Obergruppenfuhrer John Smith of the SS and Chief Inspector Kido of the Kempeitai. The Resistance's greatest hope appears to lie in films which show an alternate reality, a world where the US and its allies won WW2. While largely viewed as propaganda, these films could be more than that. At the centre of the manufacture and distribution of these films is one man, a figurehead in the Resistance: The Man in the High Castle.