电视剧 超级少女第六季 第0集


杰西·沃恩格伦·温特塔尼亚·麦基尔南 梅莉莎·班诺伊凯乐·利凯蒂·麦克格雷斯杰西·拉斯妮可·梅因斯阿兹·泰思费朱丽叶·冈扎罗斯塔兹·奈尔佩塔萨金特大卫·哈雷伍德乔恩·克莱尔杰瑞米·乔丹克里斯·伍德 电视剧 美国 2021 查看整部剧情
CW又一次一口气续订多剧,这次共13部,包括《超级少女 Supergirl》 Brainiac-5 lies on the floor in the spaceship, where Lex left him. Gemma appears nearby in a burst of lighting. Dreamer enters the spaceship and tells the others over the comms that she's close to finding Brainiac-5. She spots him on the other side of a dividing glass wall, and he tells her that he can't let her in because of the radiation. He tells her that she has to work with Lex to destroy Leviathan, and he pushed her away to protect her. He says that he loves her, and Dreamer manifests her dream form, passes through the glass, and inserts her dream form hand into the control panel. The door opens and Dreamer runs it, and starts to collapse from the radiation. Gemma steps out and blasts her down. Supergirl, Alex, M'gann, and J'onn arrive, and Alex is immediately overwhelmed by the radiation. M'gann gets Alex and Brainiac-5 out, and J'onn lunges at Gemma but she teleports away. J'onn realizes that she's in the computer just as Gg shoots blasts of electricity at her. M'gann takes Alex and Brainiac-5 out to the lounge, then goes back in and gets J'onn out. Meanwhile, Alex recovers and injects Brainiac-5 with Martian nanites to cure him. He tells Alex that he can stop Gemma with the Anti-Life Equation. As Supergirl tries to blast the computer console holding Gemma, Gemma blasts her back and appears in a humanoid mechanical form. Alex returns with the Equation placed in her weapon. The radiation overcomes her, and Alex tosses the weapon to Supergirl and tells her to put it into the console. Supergirl does so, and the Equation destroys Gemma. As the place collapses, Supergirl tells everyone to get out. At Lex's bunker, Lilian supervises the transfer of energy into Lex. When she's done, Leg staggers out and confirms that he now has super-strength and telekinetic abilities. Lex puts on a ring and fires a kryptonite beam from it, etching the S symbol into a nearby wall and then destroying it. Lex tells Lillian that Leviathan is gone, and he'll destroy Supergirl, then the non-believers, and then "fix" every planet in the universe. He explains that he's "upgraded" Obsidian to make sure that everyone in VR would appreciate him. Those who weren't in VR will have their minds obliterated by the sonic weapons aboard the satellites that Lex launched during his promotional tour of Obsidian. The satellites will be aligned to beam the kill frequency in five hours. Lex assures Lillian that she won't be targeted by the beam. However, he has no intention of sparing Lena, and Lillian warns that if he hurts Lena in any way then she'll turn on him. Then if Lex kills her, he'll be left with the sycophants that he detests. Supergirl and the others return to the tower, and Lena tells them that William took Eve and her mother to CatCo, and William convinced them to tell the authorities everything they know about Lex. Lena figures that Lex has reworked the Obsidian programming to make any VR user adore him and will kill the rest using the satellites. Dreamer has a dream of Lex's transmitter in space, and a planet-sized Lex as the Anti-Monitor destroying every planet in existence. When she wakes up, she tells the others what she dreamed. J'onn locates Lex's twelve satellites, and they have to be destroyed simultaneously. M'gann suggests that they use a Martian ritual to bind their minds and move the satellites simultaneously. Supergirl confirms that if Lena has the code word, she can use Myriad to reverse the satellite code. Lena is surprised Supergirl would trust her with Myriad, and Supergirl says that she knows what's in Lena's heart. Kelly says that she'll go to Obsidian to download the code word and get it to them. Braianiac-5 figures that they need fragments of Jorhanporium, which would be toxic to Lex. Dreamer remembers a container of energy that she saw on Shelley Island from her dream, and Alex and Dreamer will go to get it while Supergirl gets Myriad from the Fortress. J'onn reminds them that Lex's Leviathan powers will let him sense them and then kill them, and Supergirl says that she'll take the risk of distracting him. Lex tells Lillian that he doesn't have to search for Lena, and will get a call soon. Supergirl calls and tells Lex to disable the satellites in return for surrendering herself to him. She figures his obsession with him outweighs his desire to kill half the world's population. Lex tells her to surrender to him at the Fortress. Once Supergirl signs off, Lillian warns that it's a trap. Lex agrees, but figures that with his new powers he will destroy her. With Supergirl out of the way, her friends will be easy targets and he'll have plenty of time to undo what they've done. At Obsidian, Kelly searches for the code word in the computer. After she finds, it, she finds Andrea crying. Andrea says that her father blames her for destroying his legacy. Andrea says that when the opens the next day, Obsidian and CatCo will go bankrupt. Kelly assures Andrea that she's a brilliant world and her only mistake was building Obsidian for her father. As M'gann meditates, J'onn warns Alex that redirecting the satellites will take complete mental openness. M'gann will see his memories of his family, and every violent thought he's had about White Martians. He worries that his untapped mind might disrupt the process. Alex tells J'onn that at the end of the day, all he can do is trust. And being so open with M'gann could lead to something beautiful. Brainiac-5 tells Dreamer that he's truly sorry. She points out that he hurt the people closest to him and there's no point in saving the world if he does that. Brainiac-5 agrees and gives her his Legion flight ring as the first step in making up for what he's done. Andrea watches a newscast about her father rebuking her in public. She then takes the Acrata necklace out of the safe. Supergirl, Lena, and Alex go to the Fortress. As Alex goes to get the weaponry they plan to use against Lex, Lena won't let Supergirl turn it into a suicide mission, but Supergirl says that she's come to terms with it if it will save the world. After Lena warns Supergirl that Lex will use psychological warfare, Supergirl tells her that she knows she's the only person in the galaxy that will do right by Myriad. In Buenos Aires at the Rojas Estate, Andrea as Acrata teleports into her father's study, looks briefly at a photo of them together, and then accesses his business laptop to buy shares in Obsidian North. Alex returns with the weapon. As Lena goes to get Myriad, Alex tells Supergirl that she also took a portal watch. She says that it's nice to see Supergirl working with Lena, and they hug. Lena comes back and says that they have to go, and Alex teleports away. Supergirl and Lena wish each other luck, and then Lena uses her portal watch to teleport away. Supergirl does a legacy download of her knowledge into a crystal in case of her death, As J'onn and M'gann plan the ritual, J'onn says that things will be different between them after the binding. They then fly to the satellites. Lena returns to the tower where Brainiac-5 is reverse-engineering the code Kelly sent to him. Lena admits that she designed the code. He tells Brainiac-5 that he didn't know what Lex's plan was, and thought if he was close enough to Lex, he could stop him. Lena tells him that he was willing to do anything to save his friends, while she thought she had the answers to all the world's problems. She says that all they can both do is cope with the mistakes of the past, and appreciate they have friends that believe in them. Supergirl finishes the first volume of her download, and Lex teleports into the Fortress and shows her the remote controller that can disarm the satellites. He then blasts Supergirl with the kryptonite ring. Alex and Dreamer teleport to Shelley Island, and finds Lillian and Otis waiting for them, guarding the bottle. Lex tells Supergirl that he had no intention of giving her the real key codes, and blasts her again. The satellites come into alignment, and J'onn and M'gann mentally link up. The signal goes out, starting to kill the unprotected half of the population... including Alex and Dreamer. The Martian destroy the satellites, and Brainbiac-5 uses Myriad to restore normal brain functions. Lillian and Otis prepare to kill Alex and Dreamer, who recover and attack them. They teleport away without the bottle, and Alex and Dreamer teleport to the Fortress with it. Lex tells Supergirl that humanity doesn't want to change. Supergirl tells him that he has alien DNA coursing through his veins, and he failed to turn Lena against him. Lex says that he'll do whatever it takes for humanity, and blasts Supergirl again. She dies, and Lex walks away in satisfaction. Nearby, a control panel shows that the satellites have been disabled and activates the Lena Luthor Protocol. A drone flies out, trains a beam on Supergirl's body, and then attaches to her and covers her body. Lex takes the weapons from the Fortress armory and shoots up the place. J'onn and the others arrive, and Supergirl tells Lex that Lena guessed what he would do. Dreamer uses the bottle on him, but nothing happens. He blasts them back, and they unite their powers against him. Despite that, he easily blasts them down and then finds a Phantom Zone projector and draws it to him. He prepares to shoot it at Supergirl, but Alex shoots the wall behind him as Supergirl is sent to the Zone. The others stare in shock, as Lex whispers that he's won. The others recover, and Brainiac-5 warns that the Projector was damaged and the coordinates were erased. Without the proper coordinates, they can't find Supergirl in the Zone. Dreamer finds the crystal, and Alex says that they're not watching it because Supergirl isn't dead. Alex threatens to throw Lex in jail, and he says that if he goes to jail then he'll reveal Supergirl's identity to the world and put her loved ones in danger. Lena punches Lex in the jaw before Alex can, and J'onn takes Lex away and he says that he'll check with brother Malefic, who spent time in the Zone and may be able to help them find Supergirl. Alex wonders how she'll tell Kelly, and Lena realizes that Alex has never told Kelly that Kara is Supergirl. Later, the news runs a report on Lex going to jail. At obsidian, Andrea tells William that the confession he got from Andrea will win CatCo another Pulitzer. She says to her staff that Obsidian North has folded but her father bought all her shares that morning. She's going to relaunch CatCo with news about Lex. William says that they owe a debt to Kara for revealing the story, and Nia tells everyone that Kara is with Cat working on a story. Andrea sends everyone back to work, and Nia tells William that Kara would have called him before leaving if she could, Lillian visits Lex in prison and reminds him of what she said about how his obsession with Kryptonians would be his downfall. Lena teleports in and wipes their memories using Myriad. At the tower, Nia gives Brainiac-5 the flight ring back. He says that he failed everyone, and Supergirl is gone. Nia tells him to stop blaming himself, and says that he did the best he could in a no-win solution. She assures him that she still cares about him, and he wonders how she can still have feelings for him. Nia says that if he loves her like he said on the ship, he has to be honest with her and not "protect her". They make a pinky-swear that Brianiac-5 won't keep secrets from Nia. J'onn returns to the tower and tells Alex that Malefic was unable to help. M'gann is looking for someone Malefic told them once led rescue mission into the Zone. Alex worries that they have to keep up the illusion that Supergirl is still in the world. J'onn assures Alex that she has plenty of patience and courage, and shows her the symbol of his partner on Mars who used the name "Sentinel". He tells Alex that she should use the name and she agrees. J'onn promises that they will get Supergirl back, and keep National City safe until they do. Lena comes in and returns Myriad to them. She says that she used it to wipe the memories of Lex, Lillian, and anyone close to them who might have known Kara was Supergirl. Lena tells them that Alex needs to tell Kelly that Kara is Supergirl, and J'onn agrees. Supergirl lies unconscious in the Zone as the prisoners close in on her.